The birth of this website


Why make this website?

I made this website to help reach out to people with my tutorials and to keep a public record of my projects. I was inspired to make this by Luke Smith (, along with a mail server and searx instance (see If I can help just one person with this website, I will consider that a success.

How did I make this website?

I made this static website using Publii, which is an open source static website builder. This both makes it easy to make and also fast to run. It also means that there are very little privacy issues for users. The server is hosted by Vultr and DNS records are kept by Epik. I have configured an NginX web server on that server to display this content!

What should I expect from this website?

Tutorials and tips for many different tech related topics. I might also post about some personal projects that I am working on. If you have any requests for what you want me to cover, feel free to email me at!



Damien is the owner of this website and a big fan of technology and open source software!