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Making a Game - Creating Sound Effects - EP 31

Video Tutorial Aims of this Tutorial Create sound effects for our laser, engine and UI elements using Vitalium and Ardour.Use the exported audio of these to create seamless looping audio in Ardour. Creating the Sound Effects Firstly, we want to start up Ardour and…

Making a Game - Handling Player Disconnects - EP 30

Video Tutorial Aims of this Tutorial Make the server decide whether we should continue the game or cancel the game when a player quits.If we continue the game, make the server control the 'zombie' player with a plan with no thrust or weapons firing.If…

Making a Game - Visualising the New Weapons - EP 29

Video Tutorial Aims of this Tutorial Create a system for showing the firing arc we created last episode.Learn how to more effectively use Git and Gitea in order for your commits to work well when other people get involved.Update the current music system to…

Making a Game - Refining the Weapons - EP 28

Video Tutorial Aims of this Tutorial Learn the shortcomings of the current version and come up with a plan to improve it.Use a firing arc in front of the player to decide who to shoot.Make the laser visually adjust to shoot at the enemy…